Found in 64 Collections and/or Records:
Account and History of the Tazewell Family
Autobiography, 1823, written by Littleton Waller Tazewell entitiled "An Account and History of the Tazewell Family," which concerns his life and his family.
Typescript available.
There is an edited version by Lynda Rea Heaton as "Littleton Waller Tazewell's Sketch of His Own Family." (M.A. Thesis, College of William and Mary, 1967).
Adams Papers
Papers (including correspondence) of Thomas Adams, Richard Adams and Richard Adams, Jr., of Richmond, Va. Includes papers concerning the erection of burial monuments for members of the family and a printed bill of complaint concerning the private cemetery of the Adams family which details their genealogy. Includes Thomas B. Adams' receipts and a reward for a stolen horse, 1782, 1787.
Philip L. Barbour Papers
Bevill Family Papers
Copies of wills, parish, and court records, 1558-1707, relating to the Bevill family in Henrico Co., Va. and London, Eng. Also includes papers concerning the Ball family of England and correspondence, 1929-1939, concerning genealogical material on the Ball and Lacy families, also of England.
Bland Family papers
Booth-Cooke Family Papers
Papers, 1858-1864, of the Booth family and Cooke family. Includes letters from Elizabeth Gardner Booth, one to her mother, Eliza Booth, and one to her brother, Andrew Booth. Also includes genealogical material on the Booth and Cooke families of Gloucester County, Va.
Brodnax Papers
Letters written to John Wilkes Brodnax concerning genealogy of the Brodnax family. Many letters written by members of the Brodnax family. Includes genealogical data on Bathurst, Munford, Perkins, Smith, Holmes, and Walker families. Includes a photograph of Brodnax at work on a bust of Hunter McGuire and two publications by Brodnax on art and anatomy.
Broome Family Papers
Alexander Brown Papers (II)
Bucktrout-Braithwaite Papers
Chappelear Collection
Dade Family Papers
Papers, 1826-1843, of the Dade family of King George County, Va. Includes letters received by General John B. Dade, his wife, Eliza Dade, and their daughter, Margaret S. Dade as well as letters to another relative Edward Smith. The collection includes a genealogical column, 1910, from the Richmond Times-Dispatch, which concerns the Dade, Daingerfield, Battaile, Hove, and Fitzhugh families.
Darby-Parramore Papers
Papers, chiefly 1801-1868, of the Darby, Parramore and Higgins families of Accomack and Northampton counties, Va. Includes wills, epitaphs, letters, a list, n.d., of slaves, a certificate of dismissal, 1834, from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) and genealogical notes on the families.
Duval Collection
Benjamin Stoddert Ewell Papers
Family Anecdotes and Memoirs of His Own Life by Samuel West
Fay Parr Papers
The collection contains papers documenting the lives of the Fay Parr family. The collection also includes Williamsburg ephemera and memorabilia. Other materials contained in the collection includes family photograph albums, press photographs of Williamsburg residents as well as buildings, newspaper clippings of events in Williamsburg, Virginia as well as publications from Williamsburg and other places.
Henrietta S. Fitzhugh Collection
Gallaher Papers
Papers, 1916-1952, of Juliet Hite Gallaher of Waynesboro, Va. Includes correspondence, genealogical notes and notebooks of Juliet Hite Gallaher who was particularly interested in the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Galt Papers (III)
Galt Papers (V)
Genealogy Collection
An artificial collection of genealogical materials; ca. 1880 to 1993; many of which were probably collected by Dr. Earl Gregg Swem in connection with the publication of genealogical information in the "William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd Series". Includes correspondence, clippings, coats-of-arms, charts, and family histories. Most newspaper clippings are from "The Standard" in Richmond, Virginia from the early 1880's.
Goodwin Family Papers
J. Kenneth Graham Collection
Collection of items relating to Williamsburg, Virginia and the personal papers of J. Kenneth Graham, particularly genealogy of his ancestor, James Graham of Pennsylvania.