Showing Collections: 76 - 100 of 5047
Al to Cass Letters
Letters from Al to his wife Cass, 1942 November 10. He mentions a gift he sent her from Arizona made out of an "Indian weed" and talks about life in the army and the men in his unit.
Alabama Collection
Papers relating to Courtland, Alabama; Huntsville, Alabama; and Lawrence County, Alabama. Includes letter, 1839 August 31, from committee of the Democratic Republicans of Courtland to Andrew Jackson inviting him to a dinner in honor of James Polk and a resolution, undated, concerning public testimonial to memory of Jackson; land grant, 1823, for land in Huntsville signed by James Monroe; and accounts of James E. Saunders.
Albemarle Female Institute (Va.) Ledger
Ledger, 1857-1858, of the Albemarle Female Institute of Charlottesville, Va.
Note: The 1858/59 and 1892/93 printed catalogs of the Albemarle Female Institute are in the Rare Book Collection.
Albert Gallatin Jenkins Letter
Letter from Brigadier General Albert Gallatin Jenkins, Head Quarters, Cav. Brigade, Camp Ruffner[?], Putnam Co., Va., [W. Va.], to Lieutenant Colonel H. Fitzhugh, A.A.A. Jenkins reports that the infantry command under Colonel John McCausland is encamped at Red House and his cavalry is two miles below them. There are no new enemy movements to report.
Alberto Runge Neo-Nazi Collection
Collection of materials relating to Argentinian Fascist propaganda including publications of his newsletter, hand-printed excerpts, correspondence with the National Resistance, a United States neo-Nazi organization, handbills, mailers, and ephemera. Runge was a Nazi sympathizer and ardent anti-Semite. There are approximately 30 newsletters, 7 letters typed and signed, 15 small tracts of talking points defending his racism, and 15 ephemera related items within this collection.
Walter Aldrich Diary
Diary, 1936-1939 of a teenage boy. In brief daily entries, which cover his last 4 years of high school and end in the summer of his senior year, he lists activities and chores, like going to school, church, band practice, playing games, and working for his uncle. Also included are a few accounts in the back of the book, showing money earned and spent.
Alejandro Rodríguez Fornés (Alucho) collection
Graphic art posters in physical and digital form by Alejandro Rodríguez Fornés, known as Alucho. The theme of the posters is primarily film-related and include commemorative posters for Cuban films and or for film festivals. Many are signed by the artist.
Alexander & Wunder Account Book
Account book, 1884-1887, of Alexander & Wunder, attorneys.
Alexander Cathcart Bruce Diary
Diary of Alexander Cathcart Bruce, a soldier in the British Army. It details his trip to Luxor, Egypt, and his visits to many Egyptian monumnets. Places he visited include the Great Temple of Amun, the Temple of Khonsu, the sarcophagus of Amenhotep II, the Temple of Koornah, and the Colossi of Memnon, as well as others. Includes photographs of places that he visited.
Alexander Donaldson Letter to John Carter
Letter, 10 December 1784, from merchant Alexander Donaldson of London, England, to merchant John Carter of Williamsburg, Virginia, regarding the payment of a late bill.
Alexander Family Papers
Alexander Galt Letters
Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia, Letter to Jonathan Myers
Letter from Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York to Jonathan Myers about returning his (Alexander's) photograph and desire to see him again to talk about Russia. 1925 Dec 18.
Alexander Hamilton, Jr. Letters
Henry Carrington Alexander Notebook
Notebook, 1854, of Henry Carrington Alexander containing notes on mathematics, on [Carl Friedrich Staeudlin's History of Theological Knowledge ?], Sir Isaac Newton's Optics, and notes for [?] The Sick Man's Book. The volume also contains "helpful" thoughts (Biblically based) and newspaper clippings, 1889, on the death of James Laurence Cabell.
Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart Letter to Rev. Richard Kainer
November 18, 1886 letter from Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart to Rev. Richard Kainer. Written from Staunton, VA, Stuart explains that he took charge of the US Department of the Interim about September 12, 1850 and continued until the close of (President) Mr. Fillmore's term on March 4, 1853. Signed by Stuart.
In a mat frame with a brass label, "Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart, Student 1824-1825, Secretary of the Interior 18500-1853, Member of Congress."
James W. Alexander Letter to Dr. J. L. Cabell
Letter from James W. Alexander, New York, New York with "Seacombe" heading, to his Uncle, Dr. J.L. Cabell about his daughter' Bessy's wedding and family news. November 6, 1887. Some pages missing.
Lucian W. Alexander Diary
Diary, 1942-1943, of Corporal Lucian W. Alexander while he was stationed in India during World War II. Alexander was member of the 679th Signal Corps of the United States Army. The diary contains 46 handwritten pages, 10 of those are itinerary pages of places he visited, 8 pages contain more descriptive entries, and last section of the diary contains 28 pages of autographs and addresses.
Alexis Brender A. Brendis certificate
Alfred Parkins Ledgers
Ledgers, 1845-1854, of Alfred Parkins, miller of "Friendship Mills," Frederick Mills, Virginia, which contains grist mills accounts. MsV AmiG7 includes an index. According to the 1850 census, most customers lived in Clarke County, Virginia.
Frank Heath Alfriend Papers
Thomas L. Alfriend Papers
Preserved Alger Appointment of Thomas Goodwin as Attorney
Document with paper seal where Preserved Alger of Warren County, Rhode Island, appoints Thomas Goodwin, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, as his attorney. December 29, 1803.
Alice Nellie Letter
Letter to Mary about getting her tintype done, taking the omnibus, and the new baby at home.