Showing Collections: 326 - 341 of 341
William F. Morgan Civil War Papers
William H. Seawell Letter
William Humphreys Letter
A letter by William Humphreys, near Port Republic, to "My dear Mother" giving details of the Valley campaign with many references to Stonewall Jackson.
William Lynch Letter
Letter from William Lynch, 53rd Regiment, Va. Vol., Engineer's Corp, Yorktown, Virginia, to Provost Marshal, asking to be released to help defend Yorktown from Union troops. A typescript is included.
William Lyons Letter
Letter from William Lyons, no place, to Mr. Hendirsin [Henderson?], Chief Examiner, Onadago, no place. He requests that he see Mister Brown the paymaster at the Onadago and have his accounts sent to the hospital as he had been discharged a month ago. The letter includes a note from W.L. Nicole, Fort Darling, dated April 5, 1865, stating that the chief wished him to act on this letter and hopes that he will also.
William M. Browne Letter
Letter from William M. Browne, Executive Department, Confederate States of America, Richmond, Va., to an unknown recipient. He claims that the aides of the President are in actual service and perform military duty all the time.
William Wing Loring Letters
William Woodville, Jr. Letters
Letters from William Woodville, Jr. of Baltimore, Maryland written to his wife 'Nan' (Ann C. Schley Woodville) during the Civil War while serving as an aide to Brig. General Harry T. Hays, CSA. His letters describe camp life and military maneuvers mostly in Virginia, including the Peninsular Campaign. A marriage license of Woodville to Schley dated 1855 is also included. The collection contains original letters and typescripts of original letters.
Willie G. M. Letter to Sue
Letter from Willie G.M. to Sue dated February the Last, 1861 from Gordonsville, Virginia. In it, Willie writes of wanting to be with Sue but dismisses her proposition for her and Jose to visit. He insists that Jose has too much of a desire to be "white" for his liking. The letter continues as he laments his aching neck and absence from her.
Wills Family Papers
Henry A. Wise Letter
John S. Wise Papers
Correspondence, 1869-1873, of John S. Wise concerning the application of his brother Doctor Richard A. Wise for positions as professor at the College of William and Mary, and at the University of Virginia; and as superintendent at the Central Lunatic Asylum, Richmond, Va. Correspondents include William E. Cameron, John W. Daniel, Benjamin S. Ewell, Hugh Blair Grigsby, John S. Mosby, Charles S. Venable and Richard A. Wise.
Gilbert M. Woodward Poem
Poem, circa 1864, written by Gilbert M. Woodward. The poem is a humorous look at the role of the printer in the Civil War, and begins "Hail and Thrice Hail Ye Craftsman, / Knights of the Stick and the Rule, / Who through the fiery storm of war / With purpose high and courage cool / the fearful brunt of battle bore..." Throughout the poem, Woodward references the battles in which his unit, the 2nd Wisconsin Volunteers, participated. A transcription of the poem is also included.
W.T. Early Letter
Asa John Wyatt Diary
Civil War diary of a soldier of the Army of Northern Virginia, 21st Virginia Infantry Regiment, Company I. The content spans June 19, 1861 through July 29, 1862, the latter as part of Jackson's Valley Campaign. The diary includes information concerning the Battle of Kernstown, although Wyatt was not a participant. A typescript is included.
Yorktown Campaign Report
Report of Captain Jason R. Hanna, Co. C, 63rd Pennsylvania Vol. to Lt. Col. A. S. M. Morgan concerning operations on April 11, 1862, to take possession of rifle pits on north and west fronts of a peach orchard relieving the 5th Michigan Volunteers. This report describes a diagram (not present).