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Box 2


Contains 52 Results:

Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, to Maggie (Margaret Gunter) Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 September 29

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 2
Identifier: id73981
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Received her letter and had suspected the cause of its delay; is glad that she enjoyed her stay in Brinkleyville and is always happy when he knows that his "dear little girley" is happy; asks if she is drifting away from her "dear doctor" after so long an abscence and being with the nice young men; knows how true his "little girley" is and is not afraid to trust her anywhere; Dick's condition is improving; hopes to go to Norfolk soon; would like to visit hr the 10th or...
Dates: 1888 September 29

Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 October 1

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74424
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Was happy to receive his letter; hopes he does not do anything to set his health back; the fall has come and he wonders if he ever has the "blues" in the fall; thik it sad to see all the leaves fall, the flowers fie, and everything looks sad; wonders how many books he has read in his Bible and tells him not to depend on her for what is right and just because she does not always do what is right and just; is glad he was only jesting in his letter about drifting from her...
Dates: 1888 October 1

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 October 4

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74426
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Received her letter; led to believe at the letter's beginning that she was troubled about something as the subject of the "blues" was introduced; knowing that his "little girley" was sad left him in the same condition; has not read any books in the Bible only a few chapters; will resume reading as time permits him as he has not forgotten his promise; went to Norfolk and met a nice young lady he chatted with for half an hour and when they parted Fent threatened to "tell...
Dates: 1888 October 4

Marguerite (Margaret Gunter), Enfield, North Carolina to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 October 6

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74427
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Is visiting Aunt Joe [Branch] who has been telling her all about her [JB's] pleasant trip; cannot write a long letter because she has shoppig to do for her mother and wants to go before the crowd gets there; "There is always such a crowd of darkeys in town on Saturdays this time of year"; received a not from her dressmaker to please send the dresses by the 15th [October] so she can have them ready on time [for the wedding] ; has many things to arrange but cannot do so...
Dates: 1888 October 6

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 October 8

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74428
Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents Wrote a note to her telling her to enquire for a package at the Express office; expects to visit on Wednesday the 10th [October]; Dick is still confined to his bed and the fever continues though it has lessened; is regaining his weight rapidly but his lost strength is returning slowly; is at the office every night until 1 o'clock and is "becoming heartily tired of it" 3pp ALS

Dates: 1888 October 8

Maggie (Margaret Gunter), to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 October 9

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74429
Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents Received the box of flowers which was "the lovliest box of flowers I ever say"; showed them to several ladies visiting Aunt Joe [Branch]; thinks him so nice to remember her; is delighted he is coming to visit; Dr. McGingan asks him to feel free to come and visit while he [JFB] is in Enfield; tried to buy a book of poems for Nell but found nothing suitable so bought "a glove, and handkerchief box" 5pp. ALS

Dates: 1888 October 9

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74430
Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents Went to church for the first time since his sickness; could have worked all day, but the remembrance of her and the "commandment to keep the holy day" restrained him from working; Nell was highly delighted with her present; Mrs. Bogart visited for an hour after church and "joked me very nicely and pleasantly about you.: 3pp. ALS

Dates: 1888 October 1-30

Maggie (Margaret Gunter), Enfield, North Carolina to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 October 16

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74431
Scope and Contents Had the most lonely feeling the day he left [Enfield]; visited Caddie [Pittman] who entertained her [MG] very nicely; Caddie expressed regrets at not being able to go see him; Dr. McGingan visited Sunday and wished her a lot of good wishes in the future and payed [sic] him [JFB] high compliments; says he [JFB] found the way to the hearts of a good many of her friends; told Dr. McGingan all of their [wedding] plans; her dresses arrived and she took them to her dressmaker who had begun to work...
Dates: 1888 October 16

Marguerite (Margaret Gunter), Enfield, North Carolina to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 October 19

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74432
Scope and Contents Wonders why he has not written; Cousin Liv Whitaker asks her all about him, and so she [MG] told her the day and hour [of the wedding]; asked Miss Mattie Whitaker to play the wedding march; has asked four ushers but has only heard from Cousins Jow Whitaker and Sam Whitfield who hate for her to get married soon and are sorry she is leaving soon; wants him to invite all his gentlemen friends [to the wedding]; will write to Mrs. Bogart and tell her of their plans; cannot go to the [Wheldon]...
Dates: 1888 October 19

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 October 21

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74614
Scope and Contents Has not forgotten her; has been absent from home for two or three days- went to Jerusalem [VA]; went to attend a public examinatio of teachers and now has a mass of papers to examine; they must be content knowing they will be inseparable soon; must go to Norflk, VA soon to put his tailor to work; the ring he had made of her old jewelry is very pretty; has at last engaged a carpenter to do the bathroom; is gradually regaining his strength; Dick has imrpved in health; if it is too late for...
Dates: 1888 October 21

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74616
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Had only one good day for the Franklin [Wheldon] Fair and this last day is "miserably unfair"; the drizzling rain kept the crowds back; met her [Aunt Joe] Branch in the Fair grounds and they pleasantly chatted; has worked himself nearly to death in trying to catch up with his work; does not believe she wants to see his work; does not believe she wants to see him before the 5th of December [their wedding day]; both his brother [ Benjamin Bryant] and Mr. Robert J. Camp have...
Dates: 1888 October 1-30

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to "Miss Mag" (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 October 29

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74619
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Was surprised but gratified at her prompt reply to his asking her to write; as he has not been to school for several months and has "never learned to write but a little, I have secured the services of "Pa-Pa" to as as mny scribe "and will the writing, and dictation is his the ideas are mine"; watched pa-Pa very closely at the Wheldon Fair and he behaved himself nicely; Dick is much metter; Nell is sick some but he hopes she will not be too sick as they had their share of...
Dates: 1888 October 29

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 October 30

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74624
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Did not manage to finish all his business in Norfolk so will have to return at another time; took "little Kitty" [Lydia Gabriella Bryant, JR. his daughter] to Norfolk with him; Mrs. Bogart told Dick that she [MG] did not love him [JFB] and that they were both very foolish and would regret [getting married]; also said that she [MG] was too young for him; wants her to weigh well all the objections other people seem to find with their marriage; Mr. Bogart teased him and said...
Dates: 1888 October 30

Maggie (Margaret Gunter), Enfield, North Carolina, to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 October 30

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 3
Identifier: id74626
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Received the rings which fit beautifully; is sorry Mrs. Bogart does not know her better; as when he asked her to marry him she weighed the question quite seriously in her mind, and when she said yes she meant every word and has not had one moment's regret; tells him to ask Dr. Smith to marry them; is sorry to have come between his and Mrs. Bogart's friendship;, but did not realize she was doing so until it was too late; is almost ready for their wedding; has told him...
Dates: 1888 October 30

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 November 1

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74632
Scope and Contents Is sorry to have caused her worry by telling her what Mrs. Bogart said; is glad the rings fit so nicely; does not want her to pay him for the rings as soon as she, rings and all, would be in his possession which is the same as payment; his sincere love will cause him to strive to make her content and happy; Dick tells him plainly that he does not approve of Mrs. Bogart's words to him; his friends, Mr. John Pettigrew advised him to let no one influence their plans; will get Dr. McG[uigan] to...
Dates: 1888 November 1

Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina to Dr. James Fenton Bryant, 1888 November 2

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74635
Scope and Contents Though Mrs. Bogart's words did worry her, they did not change her mind about what she thought was right ; will enclose a letter from Mrs. Bogart but asks him not to mention it to anyone; has not invited Mrs. Bogart to the wedding because she [Mrs. B] said that if she [MG] married him she would not attend the wedding; Mrs. R.O. Edwards wanted to visit and attend the Wheldon Fair; hopes he does not get sick again; admires and admires her ring; would like to have Ellen and Mr. Beauman at the...
Dates: 1888 November 2

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 November 4

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74637
Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents Mrs. Bogart says she is done with her opposition to their marriage; will ask Mr. and Mrs. Bogart to their dining [reception] and to their wedding; Nell's health has improved; Dick said thart he has not been turned against her; his suit [ for the wedding] will be black; the children send their love; mention the upcoming elections and believes that "the salvation almost, of the entire country depends on [Grover] Cleveland's election". 8pp. ALS

Dates: 1888 November 4

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 November 8

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74639
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Is very pleased to receive her [Maggie's] letter as he is upset about the "Black Republicans" defeating their President; fears this political surprise will ruin the country; praises her saying he will "get decidedly the best of the bargain" when they marry; didn't go to Norfolk due to his depression over the presidental defeat; is also troubled because Dick is to leave next week for Lexington; the carpenters continue to work on the bathroom; Nell has almost recovered from...
Dates: 1888 November 8

Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina to James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 November 10

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74640
Scope and Contents Wants to write as nice letters as he writes; feels sorry for him about the election; wonders if he went to Norfolk; understands him [James] not wanting to send Dick to Lexington but she will look forward to having him [Dick] home with them next summer; wants to see Dr. Smith's reaction when he [James] asks Dr. Smith to marry them since he is so fond of marrying people; glad Nedd is well again; asks him to ask her [Nell] to write to her [Maggie] before she is back in school; Dr. NcGuigan came...
Dates: 1888 November 10

L.B.J (Maggies's mother), Enfield, North Carolina to Mrs. James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 November 12

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74643
Scope and Contents Bessie received her [Maggie's] letter and answered it; they have fun looking for Maggie's letters; she has been trying to make a dress for Bessie even though she cannot get much sewing done, she wants to get it done by Christmas and then come see her [Maggie]; very anxious to see Andrew; Aunt Annie looks so much better than she did in the summer; Mrs. Davis moved her things to Wheldon where she will live;a lot of people from Enfield went to the Rocky Mount Fair; sends her lvoe and a kiss...
Dates: 1888 November 12

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 November 12

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74646
Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents Is preparing to leave that evening or tomorrow to take Dick to school; saw Dr. Smith who said he would be honoured to marry them and that she was a sweet girl; he wants to invite many people but also wants it to be "quiet for a while" since they will proably be tired from their trip; is worried Dr. Smith isso old he may forget the wedding day and time; will send a letter to him in a week or two. 3pp. ALS

Dates: 1888 November 12

Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina to James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 November 16

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74653
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Must tell her all about his trip to Richmond; glad he has given up the idea of the family "dining" at the wedding since they will be tired and also thinks "those kinds of things so stiff and formal"; Cousin Liv Whitaker came last Sunday and asked about him and wanted to know when he first told her [Maggie] of his love; Liv thought the ring was beautiful; teased him about falling asleep in chuch; received a sweet letter from Miss Flora; Walter and Caddie Pittman went to...
Dates: 1888 November 16

James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia to Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina, 1888 November 18

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74655
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Is very concerned she has been ill; missed the connection with the Baltimore and Ohio R.R.; missed the Conference of Superintendents in Richmond; enjoyed the trip to Lexington with Dick; Dick seems pleased to be at VMI; asks why she didn't tell him more of Liv Whitaker's "funny questions" about him; remarks how Dick is an "ambitious boy"; little Nell is sick again; she [Nell] concealed her sickness at first so as not to interfere with his plans; asks about the "near...
Dates: 1888 November 18

Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina to James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 November 20

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74657
Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents Thought of him and how Nell was feeling this morning; expects a letter from him that evening; Aunt Joe consoled her last night; is obliged to Cousin Joe Batchelor for the nice compliments"; hopes Dick isn't too homesick; assumes he will write to Dick to cheer him [Dick]; inquires if Mrs. Bogart has stayed with Nell; Remarks what a lovely day it is and hopes it will continue to be lovely. 5pp. ALS

Dates: 1888 November 20

Maggie (Margaret) Gunter, Enfield, North Carolina to James Fenton Bryant, Franklin, Virginia, 1888 November 20

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: id74659
Scope and Contents Scope and Contents Is with Cousin Liv Whitaker this morning; is feeling well again; expresses she is a bit frightened since the wedding is so close; asks if he is scared at all; hopes he will be "perfectly cool and composed" when the time is at hand; afraid Nell won't like it if she [Maggie] tells her [Nell] what is "right and proper"; Cousin Liv leaves for Henderson tomorrow to the Methodist Conference; Liv sends her kindest regards to him; two weeks will be the day they are married. 5pp....
Dates: 1888 November 20