Folder 3
Contains 15 Results:
Asia, Middle East
Includes for the most part published maps, 1629-[ongoing].
Maps are described individually and are best discovered using keyword searches (check "include box list"). When requesting maps, please indicate folder and item number.
The description of this collection is in process and is currently underway; new items are being added on an ongoing basis.
[Map of] Bible Lands and the Cradle of Western Civilization, 1938
[Map of] Asia and Adjacent Areas, 1942
The National Geographic Society
James M. Darley - Chief Cartographer
276.2 mi to 1 in
67.5 cm x 100 cm
Subject/Index Terms: Asia--Maps.
[Map of] Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands from the Indies to the Philippines to the Solomons, 1944
The National Geographic Society
126 mi to 1 in
67.5 cm x 101.5 cm
Subject/index Terms: Asia--Maps.
[Map of] Asia, n. d.
Charles Copley - engraver
no scale given
50.5 cm x 59.5 cm
Subject/Index Terms: Asia--Maps.
[Map of] The Pacific Theater, n. d.
Map of the Pacific Theater of World War II
ESSO Marketeers
in color
229 mi to 1 in
70 cm x 56 cm
on Verso: Japan and Adjacent Asiatic Mainland
Subject/Index Terms--Maps,World War II, Pacific
[Map of] The Coast of China and of the Japan Islands including the Marianes and a part of the Philipines, 1855
Map by National Geographic Society
Compiled by order of Commodore M. C. Perry, USN Lts.
W. L. Maury and S. Bent - cartographers
no scale given,
111 cm x 117 cm
Subject/Index Terms: China--Maps, Japan Islands--Maps, Philipine Islands--Maps.
A Map to Illustrate the War in China compiled from Surveys and Sketches by British Officers and other information, ca. 1860
James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen - cartographer
[pocket map]
50 mi to 1 in
33 cm x 73.5 cm
Subject/Index Terms: China--History--Opium Wars, 1839-1860--Maps.
[Map of] India and Burma, 1946
The National Geographic Society
James M. Darley - Chief Cartographer
in color
94.7 mi to 1 in
63.5 cm x 76 cm
on verso: Political Subdivisions of India
Subject/Index Terms: India--Maps, Burma--Maps.
[Map of] India, n. d.
Government of India Information Services
no scale given
76 cm x 56 cm
Subject/Index Terms: India--Maps.
Rand McNally Standard Map of India, ca. 1900
85 mi to 1 in
71 cm x 54 cm
Inset: Southeastern Provinces of India (Further India)
Gift of Earl Gregg Swem III, Louisville Ky, December 21, 1940
(Mss.Acc. 1940.357)
Subject/Index Terms: India--Maps.
Map of Japan, Manchoukuo and Adjoining Territories, 1936
Japan-Manchoukuo Year Book Co.
180 km to 1 in
79 cm x 109 cm
Subject/Index Terms: Japan--Maps.
Japan and Adjacent Regions of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, 1944
National Geographic Society
126 mi to 1 in
87.5 cm x 67.5 cm
Inset: Industrial Centers of Japan
Subject/Index Terms: Japan--Maps.
Japan and Korea, 1945
National Geographic Society
47.35 mi to 1 in
67 cm x 94 cm
Inset: Formosa and Karafuto
Subject/Index Terms: Japan--Maps, Korea--Maps.