Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Augusta County, Va. Merchant's Account Book
Account book, 1858-1860, used as a journal, 1858, and ledger, 1859-1860, by an unidentified merchant at Parnassus, Augusta County, Va. which was also used for a scrapbook into which were pasted Campbell's Soup advertisements (partially torn out).
Augusta County, Va. Merchant's Journal, 1819
Journal, 1819, of an unidentified merchant at Krings Mills [Augusta County, Va.] which was used as a scrapbook for newspaper clippings of poetry. Per 1810 census, many names are from Rockingham County, Va. Some newspaper clippings are from the 1860's.
Francis W. Dever Journal
Journal, 1855-1856, of Francis W. Dever, merchant, at Mount Solon, Augusta County, Va. which includes accounts with Samuel Paul.
Hirshes & Webb Ledgers
Ledger, 1840-1864, of Hirshes & Webb, Mt. Solon, Augusta County, Virginia. One volume (MsV Ame56) contains accounts and a memoranda of James F. Clarke, physician, Mt. Solon, Virginia and a poem concerning the Civil War, "The Soldier's Dream."
Note: MsV Ame57 is filed in Oversize.
Joseph A. Logan & Co. Inventory and Day Book
Volume used as inventory book and day book, 1870-1872, by Joseph A. Logan & Co., merchants, at Fishersville, Augusta County, Va.
Mt. Solon, Va. Merchant's Ledger
Ledger, 1861-1865, of an unidentified merchant at [Mt. Solon, Augusta County, Va.]